2011年7月21日 星期四

iPhone as the world smallest USB MIDI Sound Module!

Thanks Palm Sound for posting the finding that it is possible to use iPad camera connection kit on iPhone 4 with iOS5 beta installed. Thanks to my friends Ian and Tom's help, I tried to connect iPhone to a USB MIDI Keyboard and it works as expected.

I believe this can make iPhone to be a great alternative choice for keyboardists. In my opinions, Tone portability is a problem for many keyboard players. They could find or rent a good enough hardware keyboard but they might not be familiar with the tone provided and interface on the hardware keyboard. And the MIDI sound module in market are not all portable enough or powerful enough. Therefore, A lot of players prepare laptops with their favorite software plugins installed to provide their preferred tone. After trying this out, I can see that iPhone can be a very convenient USB MIDI Sound Module and with proper Synth apps, any keyboard player can take his/her sound anywhere effortlessly, without bringing their laptops!

Currently I suggest using bs-16i (with good SoundFonts) and FL Studio Mobile on iPhone. Looking forward to seeing more synth apps (especially those on iPad only) comes to iPhone!

bs-16i (US$8.99)

FL Studio Mobile (US$14.99)

If you know any good synth apps on iPhone please do let me know. :)

2 則留言:

  1. Thanx for the update, this is really very exciting news as far as music making portabillity is concerned. What i would like to know is wether you can power usb midi keyboards thru the usb port. Do you have some mini keyboard (nanokey or lpd8/lpk25) that you could use for a test?

  2. Hello Ximo,

    You can refer to this page for the list supported devices on iPad along with some useful information: http://iosmidi.com/devices/

    FYI. Blessings! :)
